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Universal Attribute IconEvrensel


Popülerlik: #55

Liderlik Tablosu: #21

Ban Rank: #67

KDA Rank: #76

Çengel atışıyla kendini düşmanlara doğru çeker

Tutma çengeli atışıyla kendisini düşmanlarına çekebilen Clockwerk, hedeflerini izole eder ve kafa karıştırıcı şarapnellerle onları parçalarına ayırır. Oldukça kullanışlı fişekleriyle savaş alanını gözetlerken, kendisini üstüne çekebileceği hedefler bulmakta hiçbir zorluk çekmez.

Kazanma Oranı 52.0%
Seçim Oranı 7.6%
clockwerk Image

594 +68.2/lvl

216 +20.4/lvl

Strength Image

27 +3.1/lvl

Agility Image

13 +2.1/lvl

Intelligence Image

18 +1.7/lvl



8 - 10 + 1.5/seviye (51.5 - 53.5 seviyede 30)






1 + 0.3/seviye (9.7 seviyede 30)














cooldown icon


Kazanma Oranı: 46.7%

Seçim Oranı: 16.1%

When hitting an ally, Hookshot has a larger impact radius, grants a defensive barrier, and partially refunds its cooldown.


When hitting an ally, Hookshot has a larger impact radius, grants Clockwerk and the hit allies a physical damage barrier, equal to the hookshot damage, and partially refunds its cooldown.







area_of_effect icon

Expanded Armature

Kazanma Oranı: 53.0%

Seçim Oranı: 83.9%

Power Cogs daha geniş yarıçapta oluşur.

Power Cogs

Power Cogs daha geniş yarıçapta oluşur.




Innate Ability Image

Armor Power

Clockwerk'in verdiği hasar, zırh puanı başına %0.3 artar.


Battery Assault

Yakınlardaki düşman birimlerine rastgele güçlü şarapneller atar, küçük büyüsel hasar yaratır ve kısa süreliğine sersemletir. Yaratıklara iki kat hasar verir.


  • radius:275 / 275 / 275 / 275

  • duration:10.5 / 10.5 / 10.5 / 10.5

  • interval:0.7 / 0.7 / 0.7 / 0.7

  • damage:20 / 45 / 70 / 95

  • creep damage multiplier:2

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+24 Battery Assault Hasarı

Talent tree branch

-0.25 sn Battery Assault Aralığı

Cool Down

24 / 22 / 20 / 18

Mana Cost



Power Cogs

Clockwerk'ün etrafında yakındaki birimleri hapseden akım yüklü dişliler belirir. Kapanın dışındaki düşmanlar bir dişliye dokunurlarsa geriye tepilerek sağlık ve mana kaybederler. Bir dişlinin gücü akım verdikten sonra biter. Hasar mananın %%50 kadarı artar.Dişliler düşman saldırılarıyla yok edilebilir ancak Clockwerk onları tek vuruşla 1000 mesafeye kadar itebilir.


  • duration:5 / 6 / 7 / 8

  • damage:50 / 125 / 200 / 275

  • mana burn:35 / 70 / 105 / 140

  • mana burn as damage pct:50

  • attacks to destroy:2

  • push length:300

  • push duration:0.8

  • cogs radius:215

  • trigger distance:185

  • extra pull buffer:-10

  • projectile distance:1000

  • projectile speed:1000

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

-2 sn Power Cogs Dolum Süresi

Talent tree branch

Power Cogs Yok Etmek İçin +2 Saldırı

Cool Down

21 / 19 / 17 / 15

Mana Cost



Rocket Flare

Düştüğü alanda patlayan bir işaret fişeği ateşler. Çarptığında alandaki düşmanlar hasar alır ve kısa süreliğine yavaşlar. Roket fişeği alanda 6 saniyeliğine görüş sağlar.

  • AFFECTS:area


  • radius:600

  • duration:6

  • speed:2250

  • damage:80 / 120 / 160 / 200

  • slow pct:100

  • slow duration:0.4

  • projectile vision radius:250

  • projectile vision duration:1

  • projectile vision tick rate:0.15

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

-2 sn Rocket Flare Dolum Süresi

Talent tree branch

+75 Rocket Flare Hasarı

Cool Down

20 / 18 / 16 / 14

Mana Cost

35 / 40 / 45 / 50



Hedeflenen bölgeye bir kanca fırlatır. Kanca bir birime takılırsa Clockwerk o hedefe doğru uçar, vurduğu hedefin 175 yarıçapı içindeki herkese sersemleterek hasar verir. Geçtiği yol boyunca çarptığı düşmanlara da aynı etkiyi gösterir.


  • DISPELLABLE:strong

  • latch radius:125 / 125 / 125

  • stun radius:175

  • stun radius ally:175

  • duration:1.2 / 1.4 / 1.6

  • speed:4000 / 5000 / 6000

  • damage:75 / 175 / 275

Cool Down

60 / 45 / 30

Mana Cost

100 / 125 / 150


Clockwerk'ün yeteneklerini güçlendirir: Battery Assault menzili içindeki tüm düşmanlara etki eder; Clockwerk'ün saldırı hızı Power Cogs'un içinde artar; Rocket Flares daha az dolum süresine sahiptir ve hedefin her iki yanına ek roket gönderir; Hookshot'ın sersemletme yarıçapı ve süresi artar; Jetpack daha hızlı hareket eder. Süre sona erdiğinde Clockwerk'ün hareket ve saldırı hızı emekleme hızına yavaşlar.


  • buff duration:13

  • bonus attack speed:250

  • debuff duration:3

  • hookshot radius bonus pct:50

  • hookshot duration bonus pct:50

  • rocket flare interval:0.15

  • rocket flare offset pct:125

  • rocket flare rockets:2

  • rocket flare cooldown:3

  • jetpack bonus speed:40

  • jetpack turn rate:75

Cool Down


Mana Cost



Clockwerk jetpack'ini etkinleştirerek uçuş hareketi, uçuş görüşü ve fazladan hareket hızı kazanır. Bu sürede Clockwerk'ün dönüş hızı azalır ve saldıramaz. Jetpack, Hookshot kullanıldığında iptal edilir.



  • bonus speed:20

  • turn rate:75

  • height:250

  • duration:6

Cool Down


Mana Cost



Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

-2 sn Rocket Flare Dolum Süresi

-2 sn Power Cogs Dolum Süresi

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

Power Cogs Yok Etmek İçin +2 Saldırı

+24 Battery Assault Hasarı

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

Rocket Flare Gerçek Görüş Sağlar

+75 Rocket Flare Hasarı

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

Power Cogs'un İçinde Zayıflatma Bağışıklığı

-0.25 sn Battery Assault Aralığı


Have creep equilibrium close to your tower so you can run the opponents down for a while until they reach their tower.

Play in tree lines and prey on isolated heroes as Battery Assault does all the damage to the single hero.

With the Expanded Armature facet, if an opponent is trying to escape your Power Cogs, look to kick Cogs onto them to push them and do damage.

Use Rockets off cooldown to scout around the map and push out dangerous lanes.

In the teamfights, look to split opponents' team into two parts by placing cogs between their heroes.

Clockwerk is good at controlling debuff immune heroes as Hookshot stun pierces debuff immunity and Power Cogs act as barrier.

With the Hookup facet, as position 4, you can take Power Cogs on level 1 to block your first creep wave inside them to bring the lane creeps closer to your tower.

Even if you do not catch any enemy heroes inside Power Cogs, you can still kick Cogs onto enemy heroes to push them around and do damage.

Karşı Önlem Stratejisi

Bring an Observer Ward to the lane to keep an eye on Clockwerk's aggressive movements.

Battery assault does a lot of damage. Keep distance from Clockwerk or share damage with allied units.

If you get trapped in Power Cogs don't panic. It takes two hits to destroy a cog.

Clockwerk has a great solo kill potential in early to midgame. Keep track of his movements.

Force Staff is great at moving you or an ally out of Power Cogs and out of Battery Assault range.

Clockwerk is great at contesting you at Roshan. Block his Hookshot path when you are about to finish Roshan.


Rattletrap descends from the same far-flung kindred as Sniper and Tinker, and like many of the Keen Folk, has offset his diminutive stature through the application of gadgetry and wit. The son of the son of a clockmaker, Rattletrap was many years apprenticed to that trade before war rode down from the mountains and swept the plains villages free of such innocent vocations. "Your new trade is battle," his dying father told him as the village of their ancestors lay in charred and smoking ruins. It is a poor tradesman who blames his tools, and Rattletrap was never one to make excuses. After burying his father among the ruins of their village, he set about to transform himself into the greatest tool of warfare that any world had ever seen. He vowed to never again be caught unprepared, instead using his talents to assemble a suit of powered Clockwerk armor to make the knights of other lands look like tin cans by comparison. Now Rattletrap is alive with devices, a small but deadly warrior whose skills at ambush and destruction have risen to near-automated levels of efficiency. An artisan of death, his mechanizations make short work of the unwary, heralding a new dawn in this age of warfare. What time is it? It's Clockwerk time!

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