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Ember Spirit

Popülerlik: #47

Liderlik Tablosu: #44

Ban Rank: #86

KDA Rank: #3

Düşmanlara hızlıca saldırır ve onları zincirler

Çevik ve yakalanamaz Ember Spirit yakınındaki düşmanlara seri darbelerle saldırır ve onları alevli zincirlerle bağlar. Patlayan kalıntılarından birine ulaşmak için savaş alanını hızla geçerken çok azı onun ateşinden kaçabilir veya ateşini tutsak edebilir.

Kazanma Oranı 50.7%
Seçim Oranı 8.2%
ember spirit Image

484 +57.2/lvl

240 +26.4/lvl

Strength Image

22 +2.6/lvl

Agility Image

22 +3.2/lvl

Intelligence Image

20 +2.2/lvl



33 - 37 + 3.2/seviye (125.8 - 129.8 seviyede 30)






0 + 0.5/seviye (14.5 seviyede 30)














fist icon

Double Impact

Kazanma Oranı: 51.2%

Seçim Oranı: 81.6%

Sleight of Fist hits one of its targets an extra time.

Sleight of Fist

When Sleight of Fist connects with 2 or more enemies, the enemy closest to Ember Spirit will be attacked a second time. Damage for the second attack is reduced by 40%.

debuff icon

Chain Gang

Kazanma Oranı: 48.8%

Seçim Oranı: 18.4%

Searing Chains 1 düşmanı daha etkiler ve Fire Remnant'ların da kullanmasını sağlar.

Searing Chains

Zincirlenen düşmanların sayısı artar. Searing Chains kullanıldığında, aynı zamanda her Fire Remnant etrafına da atılırlar. Bir hedef aynı anda birden fazla kaynaktan gelen zincirlerle vurulmaz.




Innate Ability Image

Flame Guard

Ember Spirit, etrafında sürekli olarak saniye başı hasar veren bir ateş çemberi oluşturur. Aktifken, Flame Guard aktif etki alanını ve hasarını artırır ve gelen büyü hasarını tüketerek alınan hasarın belirli bir yüzdesini emer. Kalkan kırılırsa hasar ve yarıçap artırımı kaybolur.

SÜRE: 10/12/14/16/18


PASİF HASARI: 10/15/20/25/30


AKTİF HASARI: 15/25/35/45/55


BÜYÜ BARİYERİ: 30/60/135/210/285


Searing Chains

Ember Spirit düsmanlarının etrafına dolanan alevli bolalarını atar, sabitlenirler ve her saniye hasar alırlar.



  • duration:1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3

  • radius:400

  • damage per second:50 / 70 / 90 / 110

  • tick interval:0.5

  • unit count:3

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+1 sn Searing Chains Süresi

Talent tree branch

+60 Searing Chains Hasarı

Cool Down

13 / 12 / 11 / 10

Mana Cost

80 / 90 / 100 / 110


Sleight of Fist

Ember Spirit keskin hızla etrafa fırlar, alanındaki bütün düşmanlarına saldırır, sonunda başladığı pozisyona geri döner. Kahramanlara fazladan hasar verir.

  • AFFECTS:area


  • radius:250 / 350 / 450 / 550

  • bonus hero damage:40 / 80 / 120 / 160

  • attack interval:0.25

  • AbilityChargeRestoreTime:12 / 10 / 8 / 6

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+55 Sleight of Fist Kahraman Hasarı

Talent tree branch

2 Sleight of Fist Şarjı

Cool Down

12 / 10 / 8 / 6

Mana Cost



Flame Guard

Ember Spirit, etrafında sürekli olarak saniye başı hasar veren bir ateş çemberi oluşturur. Aktifken, Flame Guard aktif etki alanını ve hasarını artırır ve gelen büyü hasarını tüketerek alınan hasarın belirli bir yüzdesini emer. Kalkan kırılırsa hasar ve yarıçap artırımı kaybolur.



  • duration:10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18

  • passive radius:150

  • tick interval:0.2

  • passive damage per second:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30

  • blind pct:50

  • linger duration:0.5

  • active radius:500

  • active damage per second:15 / 25 / 35 / 45 / 55

  • shield pct absorb:70

  • absorb amount:30 / 60 / 135 / 210 / 285

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+200 Flame Guard Bariyer Miktarı

Talent tree branch

+%100 Flame Guard SBH

Cool Down


Mana Cost

65 / 80 / 95 / 110


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

+12 Hasar

+200 Flame Guard Bariyer Miktarı

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

+%100 Flame Guard SBH

+1 sn Searing Chains Süresi

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

+60 Searing Chains Hasarı

+55 Sleight of Fist Kahraman Hasarı

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

2 Sleight of Fist Şarjı

-12 sn Remnant Şarjı Yenilenme Süresi


You can dodge many spells and ranged attacks with Sleight of Fist or by activating Remnants.

You can push out the lane with Flame Guard or Sleight Of Fist as the river runes are about to spawn.

Once you have blight stone, you should start spamming sleight of fist on the enemy mid laner.

Active rune control is important for Ember Spirit's game. You can place a remnant at one rune and run to the other one to secure them.

You can drop and activate Fire Remnants while Sleight of Fisting.

When low on health, you can leave the Fire Remnant behind, teleport to base and activate the remnant.

When leaving remant behind, it is good to drop it in neutral camp or at the rune spot.

Items with proc chance are great for Ember Spirit as they proc frequently during Sleight of Fist.

Ember Spirit is great at penetrating into opponents' backline due to high mobility of Fire Remnants.

If you are struggling to reach the backline aghanims scepter is great at closing the gap and increasing embers mobility.

Ember Spirit is great at splitpushing as he is elusive and can always have a remnant left behind.

Karşı Önlem Stratejisi

Flame Guard is most of Ember Spirit's damage early. Pop it with magical damage or dispel it.

Make sure you are controlling power runes against Ember Spirit. He likes to bottle and gank with those.

Avoid clumping up against Sleight of Fist spam.

Items that can root or stun elusive Ember Spirit are great.

Ember Spirit is really good at split-pushing. Consider getting Boots of Travel on a core.


Lost within the Wailing Mountains, the Fortress of Flares lay abandoned, its training halls empty, its courtyard covered in leaves and dust. Upon a dais in its sealed temple rests a topaz cauldron filled with ancient ash, remnants of a pyre for the warrior-poet Xin. For three generations, Xin taught his acolytes the Bonds of the Guardian Flame, a series of mantras to train the mind and body for the harsh realities beyond the fortress walls. However, in teaching a warrior's way he earned a warrior's rivals, and in his autumn Xin was bested and slain. His followers spread to the wind. Yet as years turned to centuries and followers to descendants, his teachings endured by subtle whisper and deed. Touched by the teacher's lasting legacy, the Burning Celestial, inquisitive aspect of fire, cast himself to the Fortress of Flares and reignited the pyre ash. From these glowing embers emerged an image of Xin, wreathed in flame, his thoughtful countenance prepared to train and to teach, and to spread the fires of knowledge to all who seek guidance.

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