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Phantom Lancer

Popülerlik: #36

Liderlik Tablosu: #7

Ban Rank: #10

KDA Rank: #8

Düşmanlarını kandırması veya onlara saldırması için illüzyonlar oluşturur

Sonsuz bir klon ordusuyla Phantom Lancer düşmanlarına bir fırtına gibi saldırır. Hayali ordusuna liderlik ederek nefes kesici ani saldırılarıyla düşmanlarını keser, klonlarını düşman bölgesinin içlerine doğru ilerlemeye gönderir ya da köşeye sıkıştığında düşmanlarını yanıltmak ve onlardan kurtulmak için birbirinin aynısı klonlarını kullanır.

Kazanma Oranı 53.5%
Seçim Oranı 10.7%
phantom lancer Image

418 +48.4/lvl

252 +21.6/lvl

Strength Image

19 +2.2/lvl

Agility Image

26 +2.8/lvl

Intelligence Image

21 +1.8/lvl



26 - 36 + 2.8/seviye (107.2 - 117.2 seviyede 30)






0 + 0.5/seviye (14.5 seviyede 30)














illusion icon


Kazanma Oranı: 50.4%

Seçim Oranı: 25.2%

Doppelganger, Phantom Lancer'ın mevcut sağlığına bağlı olarak ek illüzyonlar oluşturur.


Phantom Lancer'ın her %25 eksik canı başına fazladan bir illüzyon oluşturur.

summons icon


Kazanma Oranı: 54.6%

Seçim Oranı: 74.8%

Juxtapose illüzyonları yakındaki rastgele birimlerde ortaya çıkar, daha fazla hasar verir ancak kontrol edilemez.


Juxtapose illüzyonları yakındaki rastgele birimlerde ortaya çıkar, daha fazla hasar verir ancak kontrol edilemez.






Innate Ability Image

Phantom Rush

Phantom Lancer yeteneğin mesafesi dâhilinde hedeflediği bir düşmana hücum eder ve geçici çeviklik güçlendirmesi kazanır. Phantom Lancer'ın illüzyonlarının da bu yeteneği vardır.


MAKS ŞARJ MESAFESİ: 525/600/675/750/825

BONUS ÇEVİKLİK: 5/10/20/30/40



Spirit Lance

Hedefteki düşman biriminin üzerine hasar veren ve yavaşlatan büyülü bir mızrak gönderirken birime saldırması için de aldatıcı bir hayalet çağırır.

  • AFFECTS:unit



  • DEBUFF:yes

  • lance damage:70 / 140 / 210 / 280

  • lance speed:1000 / 1000 / 1000 / 1000

  • duration:3.75

  • movement speed pct:-14 / -21 / -28 / -35

  • illusion duration:2 / 4 / 6 / 8

  • illusion damage out pct:-80

  • tooltip illusion damage:20

  • illusion damage in pct:300 / 300 / 300 / 300

  • tooltip illusion total damage in pct:400 / 400 / 400 / 400

  • fake lance distance:675

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Scepter Upgrade

Spirit Lance bounces twice on enemies, prioritizing Heroes. Increases Spirit Lance illusion damage.

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    +35 Spirit Lance Hasarı

    Cool Down

    10 / 9 / 8 / 7

    Mana Cost




    Phantom Lancer, bir süreliğine savaş alanından kaybolur. 1 saniye sonra, Phantom Lancer ve yakınındaki kopyaları, belirlenen alanda rastgele pozisyonlarda, ek olarak 2 özel kopya ile tekrar ortaya çıkar. Tüm illüzyonların süresini uzatır. Bu kopyalardan biri hasar alır ancak hasar vermez, diğeri %%500 daha fazla hasar alır ancak %%-80 daha fazla hasar verir. ETKİ GEÇİRME TÜRÜ: Basit Etki Geçirme

    • AFFECTS:area

    • PASSIVE:No

    • illusion 1 damage out pct:-100

    • illusion 2 damage out pct:-80

    • illusion 2 damage in pct:500

    • target aoe:325

    • search radius:900

    • delay:1

    • illusion duration:8

    • illusion extended duration:2

    • illusion 2 amount:1

    Cool Down

    22 / 18 / 14 / 10

    Mana Cost



    Phantom Rush

    Phantom Lancer yeteneğin mesafesi dâhilinde hedeflediği bir düşmana hücum eder ve geçici çeviklik güçlendirmesi kazanır. Phantom Lancer'ın illüzyonlarının da bu yeteneği vardır.

    • PASSIVE:No

    • DISPELLABLE:basic

    • min distance:275

    • max distance:525 / 600 / 675 / 750 / 825

    • bonus speed:800

    • bonus agility:5 / 10 / 20 / 30 / 40

    • agility duration:1.5

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    +10 Phantom Rush Çevikliği

    Talent tree branch

    +2.5 sn Phantom Rush Bonus Çeviklik Süresi

    Talent tree branch

    +300 Phantom Rush Menzili

    Cool Down

    16 / 13 / 10 / 7 / 4


    Phantom Lancer'ın, saldırdığında varlığını bölerek kendisinin bir kopyasını çıkartma şansına sahip olur. Çıkardığı kopyalar kendi varlıklarını bölerek kopyalarını çıkarabilir. Phantom Lancer tarafından çıkan kopyalar 8 saniye, kopyaların kopyaları 4 saniye durur.

    • PASSIVE:Breakable

    • max illusions:6 / 8 / 10

    • proc chance pct:40 / 45 / 50

    • illusion proc chance pct:8

    • illusion duration:8

    • illusion damage out pct:-82 / -80 / -78

    • tooltip illusion damage:18 / 20 / 22

    • illusion damage in pct:550

    • tooltip total illusion damage in pct:650

    • illusion from illusion duration:4

    • invis duration:8

    • invis movespeed:15

    Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

    Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

    Adds an active ability to Juxtapose. Renders Phantom Lancer invisible for up to 8 seconds while generating a duplicate image to confuse enemies. His movement speed is increased by 15 during this invisibility.

      Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

      +%10 Juxtapose Hasarı

      Cool Down


      Mana Cost



      Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

      +35 Spirit Lance Hasarı

      +10 Phantom Rush Çevikliği

      Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

      +2.5 sn Phantom Rush Bonus Çeviklik Süresi

      -1 sn Spirit Lance Dolum Süresi

      Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

      +300 Phantom Rush Menzili

      +%10 Juxtapose Hasarı

      Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

      -4 sn Doppelganger Dolum Süresi

      +%20 Kritik Vuruş Şansı (%200)


      Bind a bright yellow Doppelganger illusion to make deceptive plays as it takes the same damage as the hero.

      Use Spirit Lance to secure ranged creep lasthits.

      Toggle on Phantom Rush on early levels so you don't waste it randomly.

      Doppelganger dispels on cast and can be used to disjoint projectile spells and ranged attacks.

      Phantom Lancer likes long fights in which you can amass illusions and grind opponents down.

      Pick up Aghanim's Shard around minute 20, especially if you have issues engaging in fights or being behind.

      Karşı Önlem Stratejisi

      Phantom Lancer's main escape mechanism is Doppelganger. As this spell has a very long cooldown at lower levels, look to play aggressively as soon as he used it

      Pressure Phantom Lancer while he's farming Diffusal Blade. He's very weak until he gets that item. Smoke on him and place wards in his jungle

      Phantom Lancer's main item is Diffusal Blade. Items that give you and your team burst of mana are good against him. Sample items are Magic Wand, Soul Ring, Arcane Boots, Arcane Ring, and Enchanted Mango

      Use AOE nuke to weaken Phantom Lancer's illusions to figure out which one is the real hero

      You strongest item timing is heart of tarrasque, Try not to die before this timing and get there as fast as possible after diffusal and manta.

      Spells like Lion's and Shadow Shaman's Hex and Pugna's Life Drain are able to destroy Phantom Lancer's illusion instantly. That can help when the illusion count is low, but not when there are plenty of them

      Against Phantom Lancer purchase items that are dealing AOE damage, preferably magical damage. For example Mjollnir, Radiance or Shiva's Guard. Battlefury is good as well but Phantom Lancer has a lot of armor and usually evasion on top of that

      Phantom Lancer loves long fights as he's able to drain huge amounts of mana. Ideally, look to burst him and to finish the fights reasonably fast. If the fight prolongs, count on the fact that you will be running low on mana and it might be better to disengage


      The remote village of Pole had no knowledge of the wars raging in the heart of the kingdom. For them, the quiet of spear fishing, and a family meal were all that a full life required. Yet war came for them nonetheless. Joining the able-bodied conscripts as they filed passed their homes, the humble lancer Azwraith vowed to bring peace to his kingdom, and in so doing, his people. Placed with his kin in the vanguard of the final assault against the Dread Magus Vorn, the cost to his fellows was absolute. As the charging force battled toward the fortress, Azwraith alone among his kind remained standing, and he alone was able to infiltrate the keep. Focused and infuriated by the slaughter of his brothers, Azwraith bested each of the wizard's deadly traps and conjured guardians. Soon the simple fisherman arrived at Vorn's tower sanctum. The pair dueled through the night, pike to staff, as chaos raged below, and with a deafening cry Azwraith pierced his enemy. But the wizard did not simply expire; he exploded into uncountable shards of light, penetrating his killer with power. As the dust settled and the smoke of combat began to clear, Azwraith found himself standing among a throng of his kin. Each seemed to be dressed as he was, each seemed armed as he was, and he could sense that each thought as he did. Aware that his allies were approaching, he willed these phantoms to hide themselves, and one by one they began to vanish into nothingness. As the soldiers came upon the sanctum, they found the warrior that had bested the wizard. When they approached their champion, the lancer vanished. The pikeman who had stood before them was no more than another phantom.