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Popülerlik: #53

Liderlik Tablosu: #50

Ban Rank: #63

KDA Rank: #57

Kendi sağlığını feda ederek iyileştirir ve hasar verir

Savaşa dalan Phoenix, güneş alev ışınlarıyla düşmanlarını çarpar ve dostlarını iyileştirir. Zamanı geldiğindeyse yanan bir güneşe dönüşerek sersemletici bir patlama açığa çıkarmadan önce yakınındaki düşmanlarını kavurur ve ayrıca yenilenerek tam gücüne kavuşur.

Kazanma Oranı 50.4%
Seçim Oranı 7.7%
phoenix Image

506 +72.6/lvl

192 +21.6/lvl

Strength Image

23 +3.3/lvl

Agility Image

12 +1.5/lvl

Intelligence Image

16 +1.8/lvl



9 - 19 + 1/seviye (38 - 48 seviyede 30)






-1 + 0.3/seviye (7.7 seviyede 30)














barrier icon

Dying Light

Kazanma Oranı: 50.6%

Seçim Oranı: 80.1%

Phoenix deals 4.5% of his missing health as magic damage to all enemies in a 450 radius every second.

nuke icon


Kazanma Oranı: 49.6%

Seçim Oranı: 19.9%

Sun Ray deals more damage towards the tip of the ray.

Sun Ray

Sun Ray does more damage/heal to targets near the end of the beam. Beam intensity starts increasing at half the beam length, up to 150% of base damage/heal at 1200 range. Increasing Sun Ray length to beyond range will result in more than % damage and healing.


Innate Ability Image

Blinding Sun

Phoenix'in yetenek zayıflatmaları saniyede istiflenebilir %2 ıskalama şansı uygular. 4 saniye sürer.


Icarus Dive

Phoenix, hedeflenen sabit uzaklığa doğru kavis çizerek bir dalış gerçekleştirir, temas eden her birime hasar verip hareket hızlarını yavaşlatır. Ardından bulunduğu gerçek noktaya aynı şekilde geri döner. Eğer Phoenix bu işlem sırasında Supernova yeteneğini kullanırsa, dalış o an yarıda kesilir.



  • hp cost perc:15

  • dash length:1100 / 1200 / 1300 / 1400

  • dash width:500

  • hit radius:200

  • burn duration:4

  • damage per second:20 / 40 / 60 / 80

  • burn tick interval:0.2

  • slow movement speed pct:16 / 19 / 22 / 25

  • dive duration:2

Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

+%25 Icarus Dive Yavaşlatması

Talent tree branch

Saniye Başına +20 Icarus Dive Hasarı

Talent tree branch

+1000 Icarus Dive Kullanma Menzili

Cool Down

40 / 35 / 30 / 25


Fire Spirits

Phoenix etrafında çember çizerek dolaşan 4 ateş ruhu çağırır. Her ruh bağımsız olarak seçilen bir etki alanına fırlatılabilir. Etkilenen düşmanlar zamanla hasar alır ve saldırı hızları büyük ölçüde düşer.



  • hp cost perc:20

  • spirit duration:20

  • spirit speed:1000

  • radius:200

  • duration:4

  • attackspeed slow:-50 / -80 / -110 / -140

  • damage per second:20 / 40 / 60 / 80

  • spirit count:5

  • tick interval:0.2

Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

Causes Fire Spirits to become a passive charge-based ability. Has 7 second replenish time.

    Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

    Saniye Başına +20 Fire Spirits Hasarı

    Cool Down

    50 / 40 / 30 / 20

    Mana Cost



    Sun Ray

    Phoenix kendi sağlığına mal olan bir ışık ışını çıkarır. Işın temel sağlıklarının belirli bir yüzdesi kadar düşmanlarına hasar verir ve doslarını iyileştirir. Yüzde, ışın ateşe devam ettiği sürece artar.

    • PASSIVE:No

    • hp cost perc per second:6

    • base damage:14 / 20 / 26 / 32

    • hp perc damage:1 / 2.75 / 4.5 / 6.25

    • base heal:7 / 10 / 13 / 16

    • hp perc heal:0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2

    • radius:130

    • tick interval:0.2

    • forward move speed:250

    • turn rate initial:250

    • turn rate:25

    Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

    Aghanim`s Shard Upgrade

    Allows Sun Ray to be cast during Supernova, and slows affected enemies by 10.

      Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

      +%1.5 Maks. Sağlık Sun Ray Hasarı

      Cool Down


      Mana Cost

      100 / 110 / 120 / 130



      Phoenix yeniden doğabilme şansı için kendi isteğiyle hayatını sonlandırır. Geniş bir alanda düşmanlarını yakan bir güneşe dönüşür. Güneş, düşman kahramanlarının saldırılarıyla yok edilebilir. %abilityduration% saniye sonra güneş patlar, yakınındaki bütün düşmanları sersemletir ve Phoenix'i yenilenmiş yetenekleriyle beraber tam sağlık ve manasıyla yeniden doğurur. ETKİ GEÇİRME TÜRÜ: Güçlü Etki Geçirme

      • PASSIVE:No

      • BUFF:yes

      • aura radius:1200

      • damage per sec:60 / 90 / 120

      • tick interval:0.2

      • stun duration:1.6 / 2 / 2.4

      • max hero attacks:6 / 8 / 10

      Aghanim ScepterAghanim Shard

      Aghanim`s Scepter Upgrade

      Increases number of attacks to destroy Supernova and allows Phoenix to cast Supernova on an allied hero, bringing both into the sun to be reborn together.

        Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch

        +0.5 sn Supernova Sersemletme Süresi

        Talent tree branch

        +2 Supernova Vuruş Sayısı

        Cool Down


        Mana Cost

        150 / 200 / 250


        Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

        +%25 Icarus Dive Yavaşlatması

        Saniye Başına +20 Icarus Dive Hasarı

        Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

        Saniye Başına +20 Fire Spirits Hasarı

        +20 Sağlık Yenilenmesi

        Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

        +%1.5 Maks. Sağlık Sun Ray Hasarı

        +0.5 sn Supernova Sersemletme Süresi

        Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch

        +2 Supernova Vuruş Sayısı

        +1000 Icarus Dive Kullanma Menzili


        Icarus Dive, Sun Ray while moving and Supernova destroy trees.

        Make sure to land most of the Fire Spirit and get extra right-clicks in or deny a creep here and there.

        You can attack once during Icarus Dive.

        Fire Spirits provide short lasting vision so you can scout pillars for wards or Roshan pit.

        You can use Sun Ray to escape over cliffs and pillars.

        Supernova always turns night into day which can be great against Night Stalker for example.

        Your allies can deny you in Supernova when one hit is left.

        Avoid placing Supernova close to opponents' counters. Use terrain features to allow Supernova to go off.

        Phoenix is great at defending towers with his long range damaging spells and escape.

        When not much is happening, push out the sidelines with Fire Spirits and Sun Ray without even showing yourself.

        With Aghanim's Shard, use Sun Ray before Supernova as it will persist and will be refreshed upon explosion.

        With Aghanims Shard, use Sun Ray during Supernova on enemy heroes hitting your egg to have more chances of survival with the miss chance.

        Karşı Önlem Stratejisi

        Look to go on Phoenix when Icarus dive was used. It has long cooldown.

        Fire Spirits are Phoenix's main laning spell - Look to dodge them by moving chaotically.

        Phoenix's Sun Ray does a lot of damage against high HP heroes. Run away from it or make a sharp turn.

        Against Phoenix's Supernova you need to decide very quickly if you want to fight or run away.

        Avoid fighting in choke spots and clumping up against Supernova or Sun Ray.

        Spell immunity and magic resistance items are great against Phoenix's magical damage.

        Attack speed items allow you to destroy the Supernova faster.


        Alone across an untouched darkness gleamed the Keeper's first sun, a singular point of conscious light fated to spread warmth into the empty void. Through aeons beyond count, this blinding beacon set to coalescing its incalculable energy before bursting forth the cataclysmic flare of supernova. From this inferno raced new beacons, star progeny identical to its parent, who journeyed an unlit ocean and settled in constellatory array. In time, they too would be made to propagate through supernova flame. So would this dazzling cycle of birth and rebirth repeat until all skies hewn of Titan toil deigned to twinkle and shine. By this ageless crucible the star that mortals would come to call Phoenix collapsed into being, and like its ancestors was thrust into an endless cosmos to find a place among its stellar brethren. Yet curiosity toward that which the dimming elders comfort in the darkness consumed the fledgling, and so over long cycles it inquired and studied. It learned that among worlds both whole and broken would soon stir a nexus of remarkable variety locked in an enduring conflict of cosmic consequence, a plane which would find itself in need of more influence than a dying sun's distant rays could provide. Thus this infant son of suns took terrestrial form, eagerly travelling to shine its warmth upon those who may need it most, and perhaps seize upon its solar destiny.

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