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korkunç win





kahramanoyuncukdanetlh / dngpm / xpmdmgiyileşmekbldöğeler
Dota 2 Hero Image


Mikey541014.6k215 / 11502 / 470000
  • Dota 2 Item manta-style
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item gleipnir
  • Dota 2 Item bracer
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
  • Dota 2 Item wraith-band
Dota 2 Item specialists-array
Dota 2 Hero Image


中单神经多18118.0k63 / 0307 / 383000
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item smoke-of-deceit
  • Dota 2 Item wind-lace
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item arcane-boots
  • Dota 2 Item enchanted-mango
Dota 2 Item whisper-of-the-dread
Dota 2 Hero Image


Heisenberg107713.0k135 / 3467 / 382000
  • Dota 2 Item cloak
  • Dota 2 Item blade-mail
  • Dota 2 Item mekansm
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item arcane-boots
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item ring-of-protection
Dota 2 Item eye-of-the-vizier
Dota 2 Hero Image


Fall asleep.33915.1k228 / 24568 / 806000
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
  • Dota 2 Item armlet-of-mordiggian
  • Dota 2 Item sange-and-yasha
  • Dota 2 Item hurricane-pike
  • Dota 2 Item wind-lace
  • Dota 2 Item platemail
Dota 2 Item gossamer-cape
Dota 2 Hero Image


弎味线411119.4k46 / 3326 / 326000
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item spirit-vessel
  • Dota 2 Item boots-of-speed
  • Dota 2 Item observer-and-sentry-wards
  • Dota 2 Item veil-of-discord
  • Dota 2 Item healing-lotus
23334860.1k687 / 412.2k / 2.4k000












kahramanoyuncukdanetlh / dngpm / xpmdmgiyileşmekbldöğeler
Dota 2 Hero Image


帝企鹅632012.6k66 / 3418 / 663000
  • Dota 2 Item guardian-greaves
  • Dota 2 Item aether-lens
  • Dota 2 Item smoke-of-deceit
  • Dota 2 Item glimmer-cape
  • Dota 2 Item sentry-ward
Dota 2 Item whisper-of-the-dread
Dota 2 Hero Image


何谈前怨262312.4k159 / 2556 / 619000
  • Dota 2 Item soul-ring
  • Dota 2 Item boots-of-bearing
  • Dota 2 Item shivas-guard
  • Dota 2 Item smoke-of-deceit
  • Dota 2 Item quelling-blade
  • Dota 2 Item observer-ward
Dota 2 Item iron-talon
Dota 2 Hero Image


wargod1081522.9k209 / 8647 / 642000
  • Dota 2 Item assault-cuirass
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
  • Dota 2 Item heavens-halberd
  • Dota 2 Item wraith-band
  • Dota 2 Item crystalys
  • Dota 2 Item echo-sabre
  • Dota 2 Item bracer
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
Dota 2 Item grove-bow
Dota 2 Hero Image


哦哈呦144822.5k260 / 5745 / 810000
  • Dota 2 Item mask-of-madness
  • Dota 2 Item hurricane-pike
  • Dota 2 Item black-king-bar
  • Dota 2 Item daedalus
  • Dota 2 Item wraith-band
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
  • Dota 2 Item wind-lace
Dota 2 Item grove-bow
Dota 2 Hero Image


54321152316.9k129 / 8556 / 644000
  • Dota 2 Item pipe-of-insight
  • Dota 2 Item arcane-boots
  • Dota 2 Item heavens-halberd
  • Dota 2 Item bracer
  • Dota 2 Item hand-of-midas
  • Dota 2 Item aether-lens
  • Dota 2 Item magic-stick
Dota 2 Item specialists-array
33268987.1k823 / 262.9k / 3.4k000










ışıltılı inşa eder

Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability mirana arrow
Dota 2 Ability mirana leap
Dota 2 Ability mirana starfall
Dota 2 Ability mirana starfall
Dota 2 Ability mirana starfall
Dota 2 Ability mirana solar flare
Dota 2 Ability mirana starfall
Dota 2 Ability mirana leap
Dota 2 Ability mirana leap
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability mirana leap
Dota 2 Ability mirana solar flare
Dota 2 Ability mirana arrow
Dota 2 Ability mirana arrow
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability mirana arrow
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker fissure
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker aftershock
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker enchant totem
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker aftershock
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker enchant totem
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker echo slam
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker aftershock
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker aftershock
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker enchant totem
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker fissure
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker fissure
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker echo slam
Dota 2 Ability earthshaker fissure
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability undying decay
Dota 2 Ability undying tombstone
Dota 2 Ability undying decay
Dota 2 Ability undying soul rip
Dota 2 Ability undying decay
Dota 2 Ability undying flesh golem
Dota 2 Ability undying decay
Dota 2 Ability undying soul rip
Dota 2 Ability undying soul rip
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability undying soul rip
Dota 2 Ability undying flesh golem
Dota 2 Ability undying tombstone
Dota 2 Ability undying tombstone
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability huskar burning spear
Dota 2 Ability huskar berserkers blood
Dota 2 Ability huskar burning spear
Dota 2 Ability huskar berserkers blood
Dota 2 Ability huskar inner fire
Dota 2 Ability huskar life break
Dota 2 Ability huskar berserkers blood
Dota 2 Ability huskar berserkers blood
Dota 2 Ability huskar burning spear
Dota 2 Ability huskar burning spear
Dota 2 Ability huskar inner fire
Dota 2 Ability huskar life break
Dota 2 Ability huskar inner fire
Dota 2 Ability huskar inner fire
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability huskar life break
Dota 2 Attribute
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability pudge meat hook
Dota 2 Ability pudge rot
Dota 2 Ability pudge meat hook
Dota 2 Ability pudge flesh heap
Dota 2 Ability pudge meat hook
Dota 2 Ability pudge dismember
Dota 2 Ability pudge meat hook
Dota 2 Ability pudge rot
Dota 2 Ability pudge flesh heap
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability pudge rot
Dota 2 Ability pudge dismember
Dota 2 Ability pudge rot

korkunç inşa eder

Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster impalement
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster tame the beasts
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster tame the beasts
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster the box
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster tame the beasts
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster wheel
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster tame the beasts
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster impalement
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster impalement
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster impalement
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster wheel
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster the box
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster the box
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster the box
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability ringmaster wheel
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability alchemist unstable concoction
Dota 2 Ability alchemist acid spray
Dota 2 Ability alchemist unstable concoction
Dota 2 Ability alchemist acid spray
Dota 2 Ability alchemist acid spray
Dota 2 Ability alchemist chemical rage
Dota 2 Ability alchemist acid spray
Dota 2 Ability alchemist unstable concoction
Dota 2 Ability alchemist unstable concoction
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes
Dota 2 Ability alchemist chemical rage
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability alchemist corrosive weaponry
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability alchemist corrosive weaponry
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability alchemist chemical rage
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit wave of terror
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit command aura
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit magic missile
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit wave of terror
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit wave of terror
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit nether swap
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit wave of terror
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit command aura
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit command aura
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit command aura
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit nether swap
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit magic missile
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit magic missile
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit magic missile
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability vengefulspirit nether swap
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability nevermore shadowraze1
Dota 2 Ability nevermore dark lord
Dota 2 Ability nevermore shadowraze1
Dota 2 Ability nevermore dark lord
Dota 2 Ability nevermore shadowraze1
Dota 2 Ability nevermore requiem
Dota 2 Ability nevermore shadowraze1
Dota 2 Ability nevermore dark lord
Dota 2 Ability nevermore dark lord
Dota 2 Ability nevermore frenzy
Dota 2 Ability nevermore frenzy
Dota 2 Ability nevermore requiem
Dota 2 Ability nevermore frenzy
Dota 2 Ability nevermore frenzy
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability nevermore requiem
Dota 2 Attribute
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi ignite
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi fireblast
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi ignite
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi fireblast
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi ignite
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi multicast
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi ignite
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi fireblast
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi fireblast
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi bloodlust
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi multicast
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi bloodlust
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi bloodlust
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi bloodlust
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi multicast

Expected team and hero strength


Mid Game

Late Game

Very Late Game

Team Strength
Strongest Heroes
Dota Hero HuskarDota Hero Undying
Dota Hero HuskarDota Hero UndyingDota Hero Earthshaker
Dota Hero HuskarDota Hero EarthshakerDota Hero Pudge
Dota Hero EarthshakerDota Hero PudgeDota Hero Mirana
Dota Hero Vengefulspirit
Dota Hero AlchemistDota Hero NevermoreDota Hero Vengefulspirit
Dota Hero NevermoreDota Hero AlchemistDota Hero Vengefulspirit
Dota Hero NevermoreDota Hero AlchemistDota Hero Vengefulspirit