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korkunç win





kahramanoyuncukdanetlh / dngpm / xpmdmgiyileşmekbldöğeler
Dota 2 Hero Image


keen insight511106.7k37 / 3286 / 30811.7k2.7k26
  • Dota 2 Item blade-of-alacrity
  • Dota 2 Item boots-of-speed
  • Dota 2 Item holy-locket
  • Dota 2 Item staff-of-wizardry
  • Dota 2 Item wind-lace
  • Dota 2 Item ogre-axe
  • Dota 2 Item smoke-of-deceit
Dota 2 Item cloak-of-flames
Dota 2 Hero Image


:)37515.2k247 / 7524 / 67314.4k00
  • Dota 2 Item ogre-axe
  • Dota 2 Item blade-of-alacrity
  • Dota 2 Item black-king-bar
  • Dota 2 Item soul-ring
  • Dota 2 Item radiance
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item staff-of-wizardry
Dota 2 Item paladin-sword
Dota 2 Hero Image


tv/waneda2128913.3k215 / 8450 / 49723.4k0724
  • Dota 2 Item khanda
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
  • Dota 2 Item soul-ring
  • Dota 2 Item wind-lace
  • Dota 2 Item bottle
Dota 2 Item orb-of-destruction
Dota 2 Hero Image


Dr.Mani710612.9k180 / 22453 / 49218.8k0587
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
  • Dota 2 Item spirit-vessel
  • Dota 2 Item maelstrom
  • Dota 2 Item kaya-and-sange
  • Dota 2 Item orb-of-corrosion
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
Dota 2 Item enchanted-quiver
Dota 2 Hero Image


MusicInEars41286.6k61 / 7268 / 33816.0k0139
  • Dota 2 Item ghost-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item magic-stick
  • Dota 2 Item force-staff
  • Dota 2 Item cloak
  • Dota 2 Item tranquil-boots
  • Dota 2 Item null-talisman
  • Dota 2 Item iron-branch
  • Dota 2 Item smoke-of-deceit
Dota 2 Item enchanted-quiver
21483854.8k740 / 472.0k / 2.3k84.4k2.7k1.5k












kahramanoyuncukdanetlh / dngpm / xpmdmgiyileşmekbldöğeler
Dota 2 Hero Image


Defense of the Apes452014.6k149 / 17489 / 52314.5k02236
  • Dota 2 Item phylactery
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
  • Dota 2 Item sange-and-yasha
  • Dota 2 Item bracer
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item bracer
Dota 2 Item vindicators-axe
Dota 2 Hero Image


M5892011.3k43 / 3414 / 47618.9k0371
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item observer-and-sentry-wards
  • Dota 2 Item glimmer-cape
  • Dota 2 Item ogre-axe
  • Dota 2 Item tranquil-boots
  • Dota 2 Item point-booster
  • Dota 2 Item defiant-shell
  • Dota 2 Item smoke-of-deceit
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
Dota 2 Hero Image


Монстр733114.2k117 / 1508 / 59321.9k0840
  • Dota 2 Item arcane-boots
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item lotus-orb
  • Dota 2 Item euls-scepter-of-divinity
Dota 2 Item vambrace
Dota 2 Hero Image


pravin 1 vs world942218.3k171 / 5553 / 77022.8k01977
  • Dota 2 Item helm-of-iron-will
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item manta-style
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
  • Dota 2 Item circlet
  • Dota 2 Item bloodthorn
  • Dota 2 Item quelling-blade
Dota 2 Item elven-tunic
Dota 2 Hero Image


Xcalibur2001627.5k366 / 11887 / 113133.2k016985
  • Dota 2 Item dragon-lance
  • Dota 2 Item swift-blink
  • Dota 2 Item disperser
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
  • Dota 2 Item wraith-band
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
Dota 2 Item defiant-shell
482110985.9k846 / 372.9k / 3.5k111.3k022.4k











ışıltılı inşa eder

Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branches
Dota 2 Ability abaddon aphotic shield
Dota 2 Ability abaddon frostmourne
Dota 2 Ability abaddon aphotic shield
Dota 2 Ability abaddon death coil
Dota 2 Ability abaddon aphotic shield
Dota 2 Ability abaddon borrowed time
Dota 2 Ability abaddon aphotic shield
Dota 2 Ability abaddon death coil
Dota 2 Ability abaddon death coil
Dota 2 Ability abaddon death coil
Dota 2 Ability abaddon frostmourne
Dota 2 Ability abaddon borrowed time
Dota 2 Ability abaddon frostmourne
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker blood bath
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker thirst
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker blood bath
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker bloodrage
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker blood bath
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker rupture
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker blood bath
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker bloodrage
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker bloodrage
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker bloodrage
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker rupture
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker thirst
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker thirst
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker thirst
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability bloodseeker rupture
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability tiny tree grab
Dota 2 Ability tiny avalanche
Dota 2 Ability tiny toss
Dota 2 Ability tiny toss
Dota 2 Ability tiny toss
Dota 2 Ability tiny grow
Dota 2 Ability tiny toss
Dota 2 Ability tiny avalanche
Dota 2 Ability tiny avalanche
Dota 2 Ability tiny avalanche
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability tiny grow
Dota 2 Ability tiny tree grab
Dota 2 Ability tiny toss tree
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability tiny tree grab
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit sleight of fist
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit searing chains
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit sleight of fist
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit searing chains
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit sleight of fist
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit fire remnant
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit sleight of fist
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit searing chains
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit searing chains
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit flame guard
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit flame guard
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit flame guard
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit flame guard
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability ember spirit fire remnant
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability silencer curse of the silent
Dota 2 Ability silencer glaives of wisdom
Dota 2 Ability silencer glaives of wisdom
Dota 2 Ability silencer curse of the silent
Dota 2 Ability silencer curse of the silent
Dota 2 Ability silencer global silence
Dota 2 Ability silencer curse of the silent
Dota 2 Ability silencer glaives of wisdom
Dota 2 Ability silencer glaives of wisdom
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability silencer last word
Dota 2 Ability silencer global silence
Dota 2 Ability silencer last word

korkunç inşa eder

Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability night stalker hunter in the night
Dota 2 Ability night stalker void
Dota 2 Ability night stalker hunter in the night
Dota 2 Ability night stalker void
Dota 2 Ability night stalker void
Dota 2 Ability night stalker darkness
Dota 2 Ability night stalker crippling fear
Dota 2 Ability night stalker void
Dota 2 Ability night stalker hunter in the night
Dota 2 Ability night stalker hunter in the night
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability night stalker darkness
Dota 2 Ability night stalker crippling fear
Dota 2 Ability night stalker crippling fear
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability night stalker crippling fear
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability lich frost nova
Dota 2 Ability lich frost shield
Dota 2 Ability lich frost nova
Dota 2 Ability lich sinister gaze
Dota 2 Ability lich frost nova
Dota 2 Ability lich chain frost
Dota 2 Ability lich frost nova
Dota 2 Ability lich sinister gaze
Dota 2 Ability lich sinister gaze
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability lich sinister gaze
Dota 2 Ability lich chain frost
Dota 2 Ability lich frost shield
Dota 2 Ability lich frost shield
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability lich frost shield
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability zuus lightning bolt
Dota 2 Ability zuus heavenly jump
Dota 2 Ability zuus lightning bolt
Dota 2 Ability zuus arc lightning
Dota 2 Ability zuus lightning bolt
Dota 2 Ability zuus thundergods wrath
Dota 2 Ability zuus lightning bolt
Dota 2 Ability zuus heavenly jump
Dota 2 Ability zuus arc lightning
Dota 2 Ability zuus arc lightning
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability zuus thundergods wrath
Dota 2 Ability zuus arc lightning
Dota 2 Ability zuus heavenly jump
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability zuus heavenly jump
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability zuus thundergods wrath
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability spectre spectral dagger
Dota 2 Ability spectre dispersion
Dota 2 Ability spectre spectral dagger
Dota 2 Ability spectre desolate
Dota 2 Ability spectre spectral dagger
Dota 2 Ability spectre haunt single
Dota 2 Ability spectre spectral dagger
Dota 2 Ability spectre desolate
Dota 2 Ability spectre desolate
Dota 2 Ability spectre desolate
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability spectre haunt single
Dota 2 Ability spectre dispersion
Dota 2 Ability spectre dispersion
Dota 2 Ability spectre dispersion
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability spectre haunt single
Dota 2 Attribute
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability meepo ransack
Dota 2 Ability meepo earthbind
Dota 2 Ability meepo divided we stand
Dota 2 Ability meepo ransack
Dota 2 Ability meepo poof
Dota 2 Ability meepo poof
Dota 2 Ability meepo poof
Dota 2 Ability meepo poof
Dota 2 Ability meepo ransack
Dota 2 Ability meepo divided we stand
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability meepo ransack
Dota 2 Ability meepo earthbind
Dota 2 Ability meepo earthbind
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability meepo earthbind
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability meepo divided we stand
Dota 2 Attribute
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability meepo divided we stand

Expected team and hero strength


Mid Game

Late Game

Very Late Game

Team Strength
Strongest Heroes
Dota Hero Bloodseeker
Dota Hero BloodseekerDota Hero Ember_spiritDota Hero Abaddon
Dota Hero TinyDota Hero Ember_spiritDota Hero Bloodseeker
Dota Hero TinyDota Hero Ember_spiritDota Hero Bloodseeker
Dota Hero LichDota Hero Zuus
Dota Hero MeepoDota Hero ZuusDota Hero Lich
Dota Hero SpectreDota Hero ZuusDota Hero Night_stalker
Dota Hero SpectreDota Hero ZuusDota Hero Night_stalker