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korkunç win





kahramanoyuncukdanetlh / dngpm / xpmdmgiyileşmekbldöğeler
Dota 2 Hero Image


Becerra XAXAXAXA86915.7k225 / 4570 / 58622.3k02261
  • Dota 2 Item eaglesong
  • Dota 2 Item mask-of-madness
  • Dota 2 Item black-king-bar
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
  • Dota 2 Item armlet-of-mordiggian
  • Dota 2 Item crystalys
  • Dota 2 Item dragon-scale
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item gauntlets-of-strength
Dota 2 Item paladin-sword
Dota 2 Hero Image


canival147110136.2k27 / 3263 / 44618.6k00
  • Dota 2 Item dust-of-appearance
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item arcane-boots
  • Dota 2 Item sentry-ward
  • Dota 2 Item glimmer-cape
Dota 2 Item bullwhip
Dota 2 Hero Image


YALEF510178.3k42 / 0342 / 44411.1k1920
  • Dota 2 Item enchanted-mango
  • Dota 2 Item glimmer-cape
  • Dota 2 Item tranquil-boots
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item aether-lens
Dota 2 Item cloak-of-flames
Dota 2 Hero Image


NIHILISTA7131512.4k156 / 2492 / 53718.2k220114
  • Dota 2 Item eternal-shroud
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item boots-of-speed
  • Dota 2 Item bottle
Dota 2 Item whisper-of-the-dread
Dota 2 Hero Image


JEFERSON FARM FARM371313.3k258 / 5500 / 60011.4k0154
  • Dota 2 Item bloodthorn
  • Dota 2 Item point-booster
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
  • Dota 2 Item yasha
  • Dota 2 Item slippers-of-agility
  • Dota 2 Item slippers-of-agility
Dota 2 Item pupils-gift
24466755.9k708 / 142.2k / 2.6k81.7k4122.5k












kahramanoyuncukdanetlh / dngpm / xpmdmgiyileşmekbldöğeler
Dota 2 Hero Image


EternalMonti1361716.6k157 / 12584 / 70029.2k03573
  • Dota 2 Item blade-mail
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item gauntlets-of-strength
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item black-king-bar
Dota 2 Item cloak-of-flames
Dota 2 Hero Image


Anthony Santos ♡1352120.3k206 / 12665 / 80437.1k03854
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
  • Dota 2 Item manta-style
  • Dota 2 Item blade-mail
  • Dota 2 Item wraith-band
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item ring-of-basilius
  • Dota 2 Item radiance
  • Dota 2 Item observer-ward
Dota 2 Item cloak-of-flames
Dota 2 Hero Image


itzRivaldo1162319.0k214 / 8637 / 73829.1k7.4k16032
  • Dota 2 Item guardian-greaves
  • Dota 2 Item octarine-core
  • Dota 2 Item null-talisman
  • Dota 2 Item kaya
  • Dota 2 Item wind-lace
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item bottle
Dota 2 Item defiant-shell
Dota 2 Hero Image


avena para asentamientos humanos652914.1k81 / 2473 / 64023.0k01225
  • Dota 2 Item arcane-boots
  • Dota 2 Item pipe-of-insight
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item force-staff
  • Dota 2 Item ghost-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item magic-stick
  • Dota 2 Item sentry-ward
  • Dota 2 Item smoke-of-deceit
Dota 2 Item philosophers-stone
Dota 2 Hero Image


Chocolate34298.3k29 / 2334 / 50515.1k0671
  • Dota 2 Item force-staff
  • Dota 2 Item drum-of-endurance
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item tranquil-boots
Dota 2 Item craggy-coat
462611978.3k687 / 362.7k / 3.4k133.6k7.4k25.4k









ışıltılı inşa eder

Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight dragon tail
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight breathe fire
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight dragon blood
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight dragon blood
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight dragon blood
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight elder dragon form
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight dragon blood
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight breathe fire
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight dragon tail
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight breathe fire
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight breathe fire
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight elder dragon form
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight dragon tail
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight dragon tail
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability dragon knight elder dragon form
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi ignite
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi fireblast
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi fireblast
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi ignite
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi ignite
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi multicast
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi bloodlust
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi ignite
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi fireblast
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi fireblast
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi multicast
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi bloodlust
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi bloodlust
Dota 2 Ability ogre magi bloodlust
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability pudge meat hook
Dota 2 Ability pudge rot
Dota 2 Ability pudge meat hook
Dota 2 Ability pudge flesh heap
Dota 2 Ability pudge meat hook
Dota 2 Ability pudge dismember
Dota 2 Ability pudge rot
Dota 2 Ability pudge meat hook
Dota 2 Ability pudge rot
Dota 2 Ability pudge rot
Dota 2 Ability pudge flesh heap
Dota 2 Ability pudge dismember
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability pudge flesh heap
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability pudge flesh heap
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability sandking sand storm
Dota 2 Ability sandking burrowstrike
Dota 2 Ability sandking sand storm
Dota 2 Ability sandking scorpion strike
Dota 2 Ability sandking sand storm
Dota 2 Ability sandking epicenter
Dota 2 Ability sandking sand storm
Dota 2 Ability sandking burrowstrike
Dota 2 Ability sandking burrowstrike
Dota 2 Ability sandking burrowstrike
Dota 2 Ability sandking scorpion strike
Dota 2 Ability sandking epicenter
Dota 2 Ability sandking scorpion strike
Dota 2 Ability sandking scorpion strike
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability naga siren mirror image
Dota 2 Ability naga siren rip tide
Dota 2 Ability naga siren mirror image
Dota 2 Ability naga siren rip tide
Dota 2 Ability naga siren mirror image
Dota 2 Ability naga siren rip tide
Dota 2 Ability naga siren mirror image
Dota 2 Ability naga siren ensnare
Dota 2 Ability naga siren rip tide
Dota 2 Ability naga siren ensnare
Dota 2 Ability naga siren ensnare
Dota 2 Ability naga siren song of the siren
Dota 2 Ability naga siren ensnare
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability naga siren song of the siren
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability naga siren song of the siren

korkunç inşa eder

Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability axe battle hunger
Dota 2 Ability axe counter helix
Dota 2 Ability axe counter helix
Dota 2 Ability axe berserkers call
Dota 2 Ability axe counter helix
Dota 2 Ability axe culling blade
Dota 2 Ability axe counter helix
Dota 2 Ability axe berserkers call
Dota 2 Ability axe berserkers call
Dota 2 Ability axe berserkers call
Dota 2 Ability axe battle hunger
Dota 2 Ability axe culling blade
Dota 2 Ability axe battle hunger
Dota 2 Ability axe battle hunger
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability axe culling blade
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability spectre spectral dagger
Dota 2 Ability spectre dispersion
Dota 2 Ability spectre spectral dagger
Dota 2 Ability spectre dispersion
Dota 2 Ability spectre desolate
Dota 2 Ability spectre haunt single
Dota 2 Ability spectre spectral dagger
Dota 2 Ability spectre spectral dagger
Dota 2 Ability spectre dispersion
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability spectre dispersion
Dota 2 Ability spectre haunt single
Dota 2 Ability spectre desolate
Dota 2 Ability spectre desolate
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability spectre desolate
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability spectre haunt single
Dota 2 Attribute
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability jakiro liquid fire
Dota 2 Ability jakiro dual breath
Dota 2 Ability jakiro liquid fire
Dota 2 Ability jakiro dual breath
Dota 2 Ability jakiro liquid fire
Dota 2 Ability jakiro macropyre
Dota 2 Ability jakiro liquid fire
Dota 2 Ability jakiro dual breath
Dota 2 Ability jakiro dual breath
Dota 2 Ability jakiro ice path
Dota 2 Ability jakiro ice path
Dota 2 Ability jakiro macropyre
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability jakiro ice path
Dota 2 Ability jakiro ice path
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability jakiro macropyre
Dota 2 Attribute
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability rubick telekinesis
Dota 2 Ability rubick fade bolt
Dota 2 Ability rubick fade bolt
Dota 2 Ability rubick arcane supremacy
Dota 2 Ability rubick fade bolt
Dota 2 Ability rubick spell steal
Dota 2 Ability rubick fade bolt
Dota 2 Ability rubick arcane supremacy
Dota 2 Ability rubick arcane supremacy
Dota 2 Ability rubick arcane supremacy
Dota 2 Ability rubick telekinesis
Dota 2 Ability rubick spell steal
Dota 2 Ability rubick telekinesis
Dota 2 Ability rubick telekinesis
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability rubick spell steal
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap power cogs
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap battery assault
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap rocket flare
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap battery assault
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap battery assault
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap hookshot
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap battery assault
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap rocket flare
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap rocket flare
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap rocket flare
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap hookshot
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap power cogs
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap power cogs
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability rattletrap power cogs

Expected team and hero strength


Mid Game

Late Game

Very Late Game

Team Strength
Strongest Heroes
Dota Hero Ogre_magi
Dota Hero Dragon_knightDota Hero Sand_kingDota Hero Naga_siren
Dota Hero Dragon_knightDota Hero Naga_sirenDota Hero Sand_king
Dota Hero Dragon_knightDota Hero Naga_sirenDota Hero Sand_king
Dota Hero Jakiro
Dota Hero AxeDota Hero Jakiro
Dota Hero SpectreDota Hero AxeDota Hero Jakiro
Dota Hero SpectreDota Hero AxeDota Hero Jakiro