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korkunç win





kahramanoyuncukdanetlh / dngpm / xpmdmgiyileşmekbldöğeler
Dota 2 Hero Image


la ultima 2SIS46915.7k247 / 4488 / 68817.7k6.8k0
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
  • Dota 2 Item soul-ring
  • Dota 2 Item dust-of-appearance
  • Dota 2 Item bloodstone
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item blade-mail
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
Dota 2 Item vindicators-axe
Dota 2 Hero Image


chicken412118.9k60 / 2307 / 33311.4k00
  • Dota 2 Item boots-of-speed
  • Dota 2 Item hand-of-midas
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item wraith-band
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item dust-of-appearance
  • Dota 2 Item observer-ward
Dota 2 Item vambrace
Dota 2 Hero Image


pretty6ad38414.4k297 / 9487 / 58618.3k00
  • Dota 2 Item null-talisman
  • Dota 2 Item aghanims-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item ghost-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item aether-lens
  • Dota 2 Item boots-of-travel
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item bottle
Dota 2 Item vambrace
Dota 2 Hero Image


Player X741015.0k214 / 9467 / 50813.9k00
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
  • Dota 2 Item dust-of-appearance
  • Dota 2 Item bloodthorn
  • Dota 2 Item manta-style
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item greater-healing-lotus
  • Dota 2 Item quelling-blade
Dota 2 Item cloak-of-flames
Dota 2 Hero Image


zxcmonjak(tv/s1mple)015146.2k29 / 4240 / 2639.6k1250
  • Dota 2 Item magic-stick
  • Dota 2 Item healing-lotus
  • Dota 2 Item dagon
  • Dota 2 Item boots-of-speed
  • Dota 2 Item dust-of-appearance
  • Dota 2 Item blood-grenade
Dota 2 Item craggy-coat
18454860.1k847 / 282.0k / 2.4k71.0k6.9k0












kahramanoyuncukdanetlh / dngpm / xpmdmgiyileşmekbldöğeler
Dota 2 Hero Image


y171917.7k277 / 8559 / 7975.7k01903
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
  • Dota 2 Item sange-and-yasha
  • Dota 2 Item soul-ring
  • Dota 2 Item pipe-of-insight
  • Dota 2 Item lotus-orb
  • Dota 2 Item vanguard
Dota 2 Item paladin-sword
Dota 2 Hero Image


Looking At Me932813.2k31 / 1389 / 52911.9k15.3k4744
  • Dota 2 Item solar-crest
  • Dota 2 Item ghost-scepter
  • Dota 2 Item glimmer-cape
  • Dota 2 Item magic-wand
  • Dota 2 Item arcane-boots
  • Dota 2 Item gem-of-true-sight
Dota 2 Item vampire-fangs
Dota 2 Hero Image


Чудо-Юдо1501524.0k250 / 10679 / 75925.4k164157
  • Dota 2 Item blink-dagger
  • Dota 2 Item soul-ring
  • Dota 2 Item satanic
  • Dota 2 Item black-king-bar
  • Dota 2 Item phase-boots
  • Dota 2 Item sange-and-yasha
  • Dota 2 Item healing-salve
  • Dota 2 Item enchanted-mango
  • Dota 2 Item bottle
Dota 2 Item vindicators-axe
Dota 2 Hero Image


Decode562410.4k41 / 0350 / 47914.7k0956
  • Dota 2 Item diffusal-blade
  • Dota 2 Item manta-style
  • Dota 2 Item dust-of-appearance
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
  • Dota 2 Item wraith-band
Dota 2 Item defiant-shell
Dota 2 Hero Image


glomec1541726.6k382 / 13832 / 78831.4k011713
  • Dota 2 Item sange-and-yasha
  • Dota 2 Item nullifier
  • Dota 2 Item battle-fury
  • Dota 2 Item black-king-bar
  • Dota 2 Item linkens-sphere
  • Dota 2 Item power-treads
Dota 2 Item vindicators-axe
452010391.9k981 / 322.8k / 3.4k89.1k15.3k23.5k












ışıltılı inşa eder

Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker fire wreath
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker celestial hammer
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker celestial hammer
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker luminosity
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker celestial hammer
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker solar guardian
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker celestial hammer
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker fire wreath
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker fire wreath
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker fire wreath
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker solar guardian
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker luminosity
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker luminosity
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker luminosity
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability dawnbreaker solar guardian
Dota 2 Attribute
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability silencer glaives of wisdom
Dota 2 Ability silencer curse of the silent
Dota 2 Ability silencer glaives of wisdom
Dota 2 Ability silencer last word
Dota 2 Ability silencer glaives of wisdom
Dota 2 Ability silencer global silence
Dota 2 Ability silencer glaives of wisdom
Dota 2 Ability silencer curse of the silent
Dota 2 Ability silencer curse of the silent
Dota 2 Ability silencer curse of the silent
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability silencer global silence
Dota 2 Ability silencer last word
Dota 2 Ability silencer last word
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability lina dragon slave
Dota 2 Ability lina fiery soul
Dota 2 Ability lina dragon slave
Dota 2 Ability lina fiery soul
Dota 2 Ability lina dragon slave
Dota 2 Ability lina laguna blade
Dota 2 Ability lina dragon slave
Dota 2 Ability lina fiery soul
Dota 2 Ability lina fiery soul
Dota 2 Ability lina light strike array
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability lina laguna blade
Dota 2 Ability lina light strike array
Dota 2 Ability lina light strike array
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability lina light strike array
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability lina laguna blade
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability spectre spectral dagger
Dota 2 Ability spectre desolate
Dota 2 Ability spectre spectral dagger
Dota 2 Ability spectre desolate
Dota 2 Ability spectre spectral dagger
Dota 2 Ability spectre haunt single
Dota 2 Ability spectre spectral dagger
Dota 2 Ability spectre dispersion
Dota 2 Ability spectre desolate
Dota 2 Ability spectre desolate
Dota 2 Ability spectre dispersion
Dota 2 Ability spectre haunt single
Dota 2 Ability spectre dispersion
Dota 2 Ability spectre dispersion
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability nyx assassin impale
Dota 2 Ability nyx assassin jolt
Dota 2 Ability nyx assassin impale
Dota 2 Ability nyx assassin jolt
Dota 2 Ability nyx assassin impale
Dota 2 Ability nyx assassin vendetta
Dota 2 Ability nyx assassin impale
Dota 2 Ability nyx assassin spiked carapace
Dota 2 Ability nyx assassin jolt
Dota 2 Ability nyx assassin jolt
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability nyx assassin vendetta

korkunç inşa eder

Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability bristleback viscous nasal goo
Dota 2 Ability bristleback bristleback
Dota 2 Ability bristleback viscous nasal goo
Dota 2 Ability bristleback quill spray
Dota 2 Ability bristleback quill spray
Dota 2 Ability bristleback bristleback
Dota 2 Ability bristleback viscous nasal goo
Dota 2 Ability bristleback viscous nasal goo
Dota 2 Ability bristleback warpath
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability bristleback bristleback
Dota 2 Ability bristleback warpath
Dota 2 Ability bristleback quill spray
Dota 2 Ability bristleback quill spray
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability bristleback bristleback
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability bristleback warpath
Dota 2 Attribute
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability warlock shadow word
Dota 2 Ability warlock fatal bonds
Dota 2 Ability warlock shadow word
Dota 2 Ability warlock upheaval
Dota 2 Ability warlock shadow word
Dota 2 Ability warlock rain of chaos
Dota 2 Ability warlock shadow word
Dota 2 Ability warlock fatal bonds
Dota 2 Ability warlock fatal bonds
Dota 2 Ability warlock fatal bonds
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability warlock rain of chaos
Dota 2 Ability warlock upheaval
Dota 2 Ability warlock upheaval
Dota 2 Ability warlock upheaval
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability warlock rain of chaos
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability mars gods rebuke
Dota 2 Ability mars spear
Dota 2 Ability mars spear
Dota 2 Ability mars gods rebuke
Dota 2 Ability mars spear
Dota 2 Ability mars arena of blood
Dota 2 Ability mars gods rebuke
Dota 2 Ability mars gods rebuke
Dota 2 Ability mars spear
Dota 2 Ability mars bulwark
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability mars arena of blood
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability mars arena of blood
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability riki blink strike
Dota 2 Ability riki tricks of the trade
Dota 2 Ability riki blink strike
Dota 2 Ability riki smoke screen
Dota 2 Ability riki blink strike
Dota 2 Ability riki backstab
Dota 2 Ability riki blink strike
Dota 2 Ability riki tricks of the trade
Dota 2 Ability riki smoke screen
Dota 2 Ability riki smoke screen
Dota 2 Ability riki smoke screen
Dota 2 Ability riki backstab
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability riki tricks of the trade
Dota 2 Ability riki tricks of the trade
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Hero Image


Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branchTalent tree branchTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability phantom assassin stifling dagger
Dota 2 Ability phantom assassin phantom strike
Dota 2 Ability phantom assassin stifling dagger
Dota 2 Ability phantom assassin phantom strike
Dota 2 Ability phantom assassin stifling dagger
Dota 2 Ability phantom assassin coup de grace
Dota 2 Ability phantom assassin phantom strike
Dota 2 Ability phantom assassin phantom strike
Dota 2 Ability phantom assassin stifling dagger
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability phantom assassin blur
Dota 2 Ability phantom assassin coup de grace
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes
Talet tree backgroundTalent tree branchesTalent tree branch
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability phantom assassin coup de grace
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Attribute
Dota 2 Ability special bonus attributes

Expected team and hero strength


Mid Game

Late Game

Very Late Game

Team Strength
Strongest Heroes
Dota Hero Lina
Dota Hero LinaDota Hero Dawnbreaker
Dota Hero SpectreDota Hero LinaDota Hero Dawnbreaker
Dota Hero SpectreDota Hero DawnbreakerDota Hero Lina
Dota Hero MarsDota Hero Bristleback
Dota Hero BristlebackDota Hero Mars
Dota Hero Phantom_assassinDota Hero MarsDota Hero Bristleback
Dota Hero Phantom_assassinDota Hero MarsDota Hero Bristleback